D9.1 EU-IBISBA Implementation plan
Version 1

IBISBA is a distributed research infrastructure designed to support the development of industrial biotechnology in Europe and worldwide, as an enabling technology of the circular bioeconomy. Accordingly, IBISBA provides a range of services frequently attributed to research infrastructures, while aiming to support end-to-end bioprocess development, nurturing strong interoperability between its members to achieve this. IBISBA entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018 as a research infrastructure project. Currently, it is in the final stage of its preparatory phase (Dec 2023) and thus preparing its move to implementation phase. The aim during this next phase is to deliver the future legal entity, which will be an ERIC. The current deliverable relates to the implementation plan to deliver IBISBA-ERIC. It is based on an indicative timeline, which might change depending on the progress of the project, and on the approval of Member States acting through the Steering Committee. It covers the period starting from mid-term project (2022: the choice of ERIC as the preferred legal entity option approved) until the creation of the legal entity (2027: early phase implementation). Finally, this document also serves as an overall PREP-IBISBA (even IBISBA 1.0) summary, listing the main results of the preparatory phase. The implementation plan aims to address three key challenges: (1) provide a viable route to RI sustainability, (2) define the means to devise and test robust business processes and, (3) organise the strategic positioning of IBISBA in a multi-stakeholder context. It is organised in 6 main sections and 33 actions:

  • Secure funding
  • Define the Ruling framework: setting all internal rules to operate IBISBA as a future ERIC
  • Define the Operating framework: organising all processes to support IBISBA distributed research infrastructure
  • Pre-implementation shift: transitioning from an interim organisation and governance to the ERIC final target
  • Launch the legal entity process: the regulatory process and steps to create an ERIC
  • Maintain scientific excellence and strategic positioning: supporting IBISBA’s rationale

SEEK ID: https://ibisbahub.eu/documents/71?version=1

Filename: PREP-IBISBA_Deliverable_9-1_ABSTRACT.pdf  Download

Format: PDF document

Size: 298 KB

DOI: 10.34701/ibisba.1.document.71.1

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Michael O'Donohue, Jack Legrand, Marco Moracci, Heleen De Wever, Marie Ancelin

Debeche, S. (2023). D9.1 EU-IBISBA Implementation plan. IBISBAHub. https://doi.org/10.34701/IBISBA.1.DOCUMENT.71.1

Views: 1972   Downloads: 69

Created: 26th Oct 2023 at 13:29

Last updated: 26th Oct 2023 at 13:39

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Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 26th Oct 2023 at 13:29 by Sonia Debeche

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