Industrial biotechnology is an advanced technology at the heart of the bioeconomy and the circular economy: its development needs efforts from the public sector
Version 1

This first IBISBA policy brief provides an overview of state of play in industrial biotechnology and underlines the need for further investment in Europe.


Filename: IBISBA Policy Brief 2020.pdf  Download

Format: PDF document

Size: 101 KB

DOI: 10.34701/ibisba.1.document.68.1

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Members of the IBISBA 1.0 project consortium

O'Donohue, M., Di Fenza, M., Debeche, S., Penttilä, M., & Martins Dos Santos, V. (2023). Industrial biotechnology is an advanced technology at the heart of the bioeconomy and the circular economy: its development needs efforts from the public sector. IBISBAHub.

Views: 1335   Downloads: 29

Created: 21st Jun 2023 at 05:19

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 21st Jun 2023 at 05:19 by Michael O'Donohue

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