What is a Project?Filters
Structural colour is widely found in nature and is defined by at least partially ordered nanostructures which interact with light to create vivid, angle-dependent colour. Structural colour (SC) is quite distinct from chemical pigments and offers superior properties (intensity, resistance to bleaching, advanced optical effects) compared to pigments and dyes. SC is familiar to us, for example in the way the feathers of the peacock catch the light. SC was observed by Hook and Newten in the 17th ...
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
Elucidation of Rhodococcus genes involved in the production of novel antiviral glycolipids by transcriptomics for future production optimisation
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
Microalgal lipids are valuable compounds of growing interest for health applications in food, feed and pharmaceutical industries. Especially, very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFAs) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) are essential dietary components for animals and humans. Production of such nutritional and functional lipids from microalgae is a promising strategy, but still faces some challenges to make it cost-efficient. ...
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
The collection of protocols that have not yet been curated by IBISBA WP6
Programme: IBISBA
Public web page: