TransNational Access

IBISBA offers access to best-in-class facilities and know-how. Clients from academia, SMEs and big industry can find tailored solutions for their R&D needs.

Using a H2020 funding framework, IBISBA currently offers limited opportunities to researchers to obtain subsidised access to IBISBA specialised research structures and facilities, including contribution to user's travel and subsistence costs. Open Calls are launched regularly, inviting researchers from all sectors (academia and industry) to apply.

Web page:

Funding codes:
  • European Union Horizon 2020/730976
Funding details:
No funding details specified
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IBISBA is a pan-European research infrastructure that is currently funded by the EU Horizon 2020 projects
IBISBA 1.0 (grant agreement number 730976) and PREP-IBISBA (grant agreement number 871118).
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