2nd IBISBA Webinar on Protein Engineering and Biocatalysis

2nd IBISBA Webinar on Protein Engineering and Biocatalysis

Thu, Mar 26, 2020 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM GMT

2nd IBISBA Webinar

This second course is about Protein Engineering and Biocatalysis and will be focused on 4 main topics:

  1. How computational protein design help to predict sequences for new and improved functions
  2. How their catalytic activity can be measured through high-throughput enzyme screening
  3. How engineered proteins/enzymes can be produced at large scale using eukaryotic microbes
  4. How enzymes can be used in conversion processes transforming biological resources into added-value products


10.00-10.05 | Welcome. Presentation of the webinar and general rules 10.05-10.30 | Introduction to IBISBA and Subsidised Access 10.30-10.45 | Open questions 10.45-11.00 | Screening of enzymes for industrial biotechnology: description of services and some success stories 11.00-11.15 | Cell biology-educated protein design and testing 11.15-11.30 | Protein production strategies for large scale using eukaryotic microbes 11.30-11.45 | Immobilised fused cyclohexanone monooxygenase (CHMO) and phosphite dehydrogenase (PTDH): reusable biocatalyst for the synthesis of Ɛ-caprolactone 11.45-12.00 | Open questions about technical presentations 12.00 -  | Closing


SEEK ID: https://ibisbahub.eu/events/3

Projects: IBISBA Library


26th Mar 2020 at 14:31

26th Mar 2020 at 14:31


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