A project for templates for templates for data, protocols etc. and for their documentation and examples.
Programme: IBISBA
SEEK ID: https://ibisbahub.eu/projects/20
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Pseudomonas putida, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, Komagataella (aka pichia) pastoris, Aspergillus niger
IBISBA PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project created: 17th Jun 2020
Related items
- People (4)
- Programmes (1)
- Institutions (4)
- Data files (2)
- SOPs (0+2)
- Documents (0+1)
- File Templates (1+1)
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, TRANSCRIPTPROM - Integrative and comparative analyses of response of Pichia pastoris, FLOX: FLavin-containing OXidoreductases, PlanOvac, Muconic Acid Production, HIGHFLUX, Promoters 4 Pichia, An inventory of the Aspergillus niger secretome by combining in silico predictions with shotgun proteomics data, Template library, Evocolour - The evolution and genetics of Flavobacteria forming structurally coloured colonies for sustainable biomaterials, Extreme - Genomic approach for extremozymes screening of thermophilic/anaerobic Caldicoprobacter algerensis strain, HMOzyme, PILOT-MP - Pilot scale process development for microbial proteins, UMB - Upscaling and optimisation of microalgae production for bivalves hatchery, Public announcements and documents, IBISBA Library, Biocare, MEOX, Coculture, YarroFuels, PlasticPutida, Lipro-alga, Curated Protocols Library, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Cyanofcs, Example testing project
Institutions: Administration, UNIMAN - The University of Manchester
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, FLOX: FLavin-containing OXidoreductases, PlanOvac, HIGHFLUX, SporeDel, Yeast Glycerol, Galambr, SULFOCEL, An inventory of the Aspergillus niger secretome by combining in silico predictions with shotgun proteomics data, Template library, Muconic Acid Production in Yeast, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Biocare, test, DBTL-P, Upscale of the biocatalytic transformation of Free Fatty Acids into high-value products (BIOFFA), B-PAC, BIOFFA, GLYCOMICS, KorallionBio, MAROX, PROTEIFROM, SUPI
Institutions: UNIMAN - The University of Manchester, UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, INSAT - Institut National des Science Appliquees de Toulouse, VTT - Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, VITO - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, Muconic Acid Production, An inventory of the Aspergillus niger secretome by combining in silico predictions with shotgun proteomics data, Template library, Coculture, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Industrial pencilin simulator, Sandbox
Institutions: WUR - Wageningen University & Research, UNLOCK

Projects: IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Template library
Institutions: IBBA CNR

Expertise: Structural biology, X-ray crystallography, Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Protein Structure, Eukaryotic secretion, Glycoprotein folding, Protein chemistry, Protein purification
Tools: Chromatography, FPLC, Recombinant protein expression, X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM, Protein purification, Biochemistry and protein analysis
I am trying to establish novel therapeutic avenues to cure a broad spectrum of rare diseases.
Each rare disease patient potentially benefitting from the therapeutic approach I propose carries a missense mutation in a glycoprotein gene. The mutation impairs fold of the mutate glycoprotein but does not abrogate its function (responsive mutation).
My idea is that modulators of Endoplasmic Reticulum glycoprotein folding Quality Control (ERQC) and/or of Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Degradation ...
IBISBA is designed to accelerate end-to-end bioprocess development, linking best-in-class R&D facilities to provide seamless multi-technology services.
Focusing on the different R&D phases in bioprocess development, IBISBA offers services related to computer-assisted design of biocomponents, construction of enzymes and microbial strains, the fermentation, downstream processing and project knowledge asset management.
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, Template library, Muconic Acid Production in Yeast, Public announcements and documents, IBISBA Library, Curated Protocols Library, Test, DBTL-P, test, Sandbox, kHub_Test_2024, PREP-IBISBA, ITINERIS-IBBR-NA
Web page: http://www.ibisba.eu
The unlock metadata template using a modified version of the ISA structure.
This is superseded by https://hub.ibisba.eu/file_templates/1
Creator: Jasper Koehorst
Submitter: Jasper Koehorst
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
This is the template that can be used to populate your project using the IBISBA Populator software that is part of the IBISBA Hub. More information can be found here https://ibisba.github.io/handbook/ibisba_hub/project/
Creator: Jasper Koehorst
Submitter: Jasper Koehorst
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Template for reporting on IBISBA projects