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Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Cyanotoxins Study using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
This project collects together the IBISBA 1.0 deliverables
Programme: IBISBA public documents
Public web page: Not specified
The project is coordinated by the CNR (National Research Council). It started in November 2022, and during 30 (+6) months will carry out an ensemble of cross-disciplinary actions across the different environmental sub-domains, with the main aim to build the network of the Italian environmental Research Infrastructures, connect it to the user community and establish access, trough the ITINERIS HUB, to the vast array of knowledge, data, analytical tools, and service produced by the participating ...
Programme: IBISBA
Public web page:
Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of a Cladosporium species for the disovery of novel LPMOs
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
Plant-based bio-encapsulation strategies for oral veterinary vaccines
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
The aim of the EU-funded project PREP-IBISBA is to create the conditions for IBISBA to become a fully operational European research infrastructure in the coming years. The project will help IBISBA define a business model, establish a long-range financial plan and identify suitable legal frameworks to support its operation.
Programme: IBISBA
Public web page:
This project make available the deliverables of the PREP-IBISBA project
Programme: IBISBA public documents
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Novel (ligno)cellulose degrading enzyme for expression in the thermoacidofilic Archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
Programme: TransNational Access
Public web page: Not specified
The collection of protocols that have not yet been curated by IBISBA WP6
Programme: IBISBA
Public web page: