What is a Document?Formats agreed to be used in IBISBA
List of IBISBA tools
Creator: IBISBA Admin
Submitter: IBISBA Admin
The main goal of the workpackage (WP7) is to investigate state-of-the-art IT infrastructure needed for multi-partner, multi-site, multi-component industrial biotechnology projects. The workpackage has four objectives and the deliverable is linked to the first.
To use portable computational workflows to combine multiple computational resources and automate analytics using a state of the art workflow interoperability language to ensure generality across workflow management systems.
To coordinate ...
The IBISBAHub is a shared space for recording, accessing and sharing data and assets of the IBISBA project. IBISBAHub is a customised and extended installation of the FAIRDOM SEEK asset management platform
The IBISBAHub provides an online portal with
● Self-managed project space for organising, sharing and disseminating assets arising from multi-partner collaborations, such as the TNA’s as well as project events
● Complement local data management or provide data management resources if local ...
Business Process Models (BPMs) are workflows operating at a relatively coarse-grained meta-workflow level. BPMs enable coordination between computational workflows and manual steps using event mechanisms and incorporating business rules. BPMs are now well established with an established execution language and graphical notation (BPMN). BPMs, however, are complex to make and normally aimed at experts to develop on behalf of users to run. A number of commercial enterprises (Oracle, Microsoft, IBM) ...
IBISBA’s mission as a distributed European research infrastructure is to provide world-class cutting-edge research and innovation services enabling the development of biotechnology as a technology cornerstone of the circular bioeconomy. To achieve this, IBISBA integrates Europe’s leading public-operated research infrastructure facilities into a coordinated business environment.
The H2020 PRPEP-IBISBA project is designed to finalize the design and prepare IBISBA for future operation. To achieve ...
Creators: Carole Goble, Jean-Loup Faulon
Submitter: IBISBA Admin
IBISBA’s mission as a distributed European research infrastructure is to provide world-class cutting-edge research and innovation services enabling the development of biotechnology as a technology cornerstone of the circular bioeconomy. To achieve this, IBISBA integrates Europe’s leading public-operated research infrastructure facilities into a coordinated business environment.
The H2020 PREP-IBISBA project is designed to finalize the design and prepare IBISBA for future operation. To achieve ...
A set of agreed identification schemes to be used within the IBISBA project to reference resources
A summary of what is considered to have come out of the WP6/WP7 f2f
Creators: IBISBA Admin, WP6 and WP7 team
Submitter: IBISBA Admin