Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano

About Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano:

WP leader of "Communication, Outreach and Dissemination" and Head of the Italian Joint Laboratory ProtEnz.

The research activity of Dr. B. Cobucci Ponzano concerns the study of the structure / function relationship of proteins and enzymes and of the mechanistic aspects related to hydrolysis and to enzymatic synthesis of glycosides. In particular, it deals with enzymes that modify carbohydrates (glycosidase) mainly from (hyper) thermophilic microorganisms, especially Archaea. In the lasts years, the studies are also aimed at metagenomic analyzes of extreme environments for the identification of new hyperstable glycosidases for second and third generation biorefineries and for green chemistry.


Location:  Italy


Joined: 22nd Nov 2018

Expertise: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Communication

Tools: Not specified

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